Friday, May 20, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away..........

..this has been a VERY wet year so far and everyone is weary of all the rainy days. I want so much to have blue skies and warm temps every day but the clouds just keep on coming.
I usually enjoy springtime but not so this year. Hopefully, the deluges will end soon I said "hopefully".
We have enjoyed some of the joys of spring though....two weeks ago we attended our granddaughter Elizabeth's college graduation. What a joy to be able to see her reach this important milestone in her life! In two more weeks we will attend her cousin Caitlyn's high school graduation...another blessing for us.
We are grateful that spring has not been totally uneventful......hope there are more fun times before the dog days of summer arrive.

Friday, November 12, 2010

A True Gift from God

Yesterday was very exciting for our family ...... Little Miss Paige Marie Hollingshead came into the world.
I was driving my granddaughter Katie ( #1 of the 3) back to Bucknell when my phone alerted us to an incoming text and I told Kate to read it. When she clicked on to it we heard "... a crying baby"!!!! My other granddaughter Jessica ( aunt to the new arrival) had just sent us a video that was taken when she was 2 minutes old! 
Everyone is just thrilled that Paige is finally here and that she and her Mommy Leanna are both doing well.

So........ now I am a Great Grandmother.  And my son Chris is a Grandfather.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Last of the Lovely Days.....

Looks like this lovely weather will soon be a fond memory - the temps are supposed to begin dropping tonite and tomorrow will not be a jacket-free day. Soon our backyard will be all brown and barren and then it will be covered in white --- as we watch the seasons change.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Migraine Monday....

What a beginning to this week ...... a Migraine first thing.
Can't wait to see what the rest of the week has in store for me.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

A Quiet Weekend So Far....

Woke up to sunshine and blue skies - a lovely fall day.
My friend Karen and I decided to go to a local craft show and then had a liesurely lunch at Bennigan's. It was so nice to just enjoy the day and the time together.
Came home just in time to see Penn State win! That always makes this household a happy one.
Then my phone rang and the voice on the other end belonged to one of my lifelong friends. What a lovely surprise that was. We had not talked in a very long time and what fun it was to fill each other in on the goings-on in our respective lives. There is nothing like reminiscing with someone who knows everything about you, all the way back to First Grade. Of course, realizing how many years have gone by since then is quite an eye-opener. Time sure does march on at a rapid pace.
And tomorrow is another day.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Returning to Normal, I Think

Despite the roller coaster ride of health issues we have been living on around here, Sam decided to join his friends in the woods today. Yep...... he went hunting.
I can't really blame him either. No one has answers for us and sitting around wondering what is going to happen next is really frustrating. So, off he went to do what he loves.
Gonna be a very long day...........

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Met With My Sisters......

Last nite I was with my "Sisters"..... 6 other women who have been beside me since 1973. We are officially a "sorority" but moreso a family. When we are together we laugh,cry, eat.....drink, share, support, and care.
I was really down in the dumps yesterday, I almost begged off because I really didn't feel like going anywhere. But, I knew my friend Nancy had gone to a lot of trouble preparing for us so I made myself go. As always, I was very glad I did.
Being with these dear friends is always uplifting. It nourishes me, their very presence in my life makes me a better person. I am very blessed.
I think women understand each other in a way only they can. Sometimes we are the ones who lift someone up or encourage them forward ........ and then sometimes we are the ones who are leaning on someone and needing to hear their words of encouragement so that we can get through the day. Men just don't understand our need for our sisters.... not sure they ever could.
One other fascinating thing about the friendship between women is that distance or time makes no difference. You can be hundreds, thousands of miles from each other and perhaps not have been in touch for a very long time. Yet, one sound of that voice on the phone, or one word in a line in a letter or card and there you are! right where you were the last time you talked! I had one such phone call yesterday and it was like the sun burst into the dreary day.... I was talking to my friend! We caught up, complained, thoroughly dismissed her ex, commiserated over family situations and laughed..... always laughed.

So, yesterday was a good day....... looking forward to more